I’ll make this short and sweet, Creed II is a sequel’s sequel and I don’t mean that in a good
way.It doesn’t build off the last
installment, further explore the characters we’ve come to know and love, go in
a new direction or repeat what we’ve already seen but do it even better this
time around.Creed I was a fine solid movie and it was great to spend time with
good ol’ Rocky again.It didn’t break
any ground though and wasn’t particularly memorable if I’m being honest.But it was fun while it lasted.Creed
II on the other hand is a bland rehash of the Rocky formula.
The script is the main issue.It’s so goddamn predictable and
uninteresting.I know all the Rockys/Creeds are basically the same but this time felt the most
contrived.All the usual beats are hit
like Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan (Fruitvale
Station)) learning to not rest on his laurels and get the hunger back,
weighing family obligations with a desire to box in a potentially deadly match,
dealing with the pros and cons of notoriety, balancing friendships,
partnerships, relationships with the constant need to fight other dudes and etc.It all feels tired and too robotic here.Plus the countless nods to parts III and IV are distracting (I laughed out loud when they announced the
final bout would have to take place in Russia, you know, just like in Rocky IV!).
I’m pretty sure I saw several places pitch the idea that a
film about Ivan Drago’s son, Viktor (Florian Munteanu (real life boxing shit)),
would’ve been way more fascinating.There’s a lot more there to dig into and you could approach this tried
and true story with a fresh perspective and introduce all new characters and
locations and maybe sports is totally corrupt in Russia with boxers taking
performance enhancing drugs but Viktor doesn’t do that and has to battle these
behemoths clean and some of the refs are paid off and it could be really fuckin’
Hell, even an Ivan picture would’ve been better.It could be like Rocky Balboa but with Drago making a comeback.And if they did that in 2018 Dolph Lundgren
would’ve been only a year older than when Stallone did Rocky Balboa so the timing would’ve been perfect.
Ah well.Aside from
part V this has got to be the weakest
in the series.
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