The movie makes an effort to expand the Halloween universe by introducing Michael’s niece Jamie (Danielle
Harris (Marked for Death, The Last Boy Scout)) and having her be the main target.
I guess it’s better than having Michael kill people just for the hell of
It’s cool how they hold off on the infamous Halloween theme until five mins in. The timing is pretty perfect by first showing
incapacitated Michael in a hospital bed behind bars for a bit, then when the
doctors make the huge mistake of moving him out of the sanitarium the theme
kicks in and we know Michael’s about to make his big comeback.
There are too many off screen deaths. The film feels kinda cheap as a result, which
it was compared to other horror movies from the same year.
Some of the storytelling is shoddy. For instance the part where Jamie runs into
multiple Michaels in her bedroom is supposed to be a dream I think but it’s not
clearly stated. That scene is further
muddied by the real (I think?) conversation Jamie and her foster sister (Ellie
Cornell (House of the Dead)) have
right before that. Also, Michael’s hair
is blonde in one scene and it’s not explained how he got on to the back of a
speeding pickup truck towards the end.
He just appears. There’s too much
of this kind of shit all over. Either a
bunch of shots were missed throughout the production or they seriously fucked
up with the editing.
Overall Impressions:
Halloween III was such a disaster
that it took them six years to attempt another one. And they wanted to make sure you knew Myers
was back so they put it right in the damn title. Unfortunately this is a pretty bad movie. It doesn’t even have a somewhat interesting
plot like III or cool fun
deaths. Plus it’s so bland and
questionable on a technical level. What
a shitty homecoming to give Michael.
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