Plus there’s so much goddamn fan service. At almost every turn there’s a reference to
one of the previous installments and it’s really distracting. “You’re the new Dr. Loomis”, a model of the
Myers house in Laurie’s house, “the shape”, the falling off of a balcony from
part I, the taking of a chef’s knife
after a woman uses it to make a ham sandwich from part II, the Silver Shamrock masks from part III, transporting Michael from one sanitarium to another and
escaping en route from part 4, the
two goofy cops from part 5, bathroom stalking
from part 6 and H20, Laurie’s borderline alcoholism from H20, someone else putting on Michael’s mask from Rob Zombie’s Halloween II and a zillion others. (I didn’t pick out any obvious lifts from Resurrection or Zombie’s Halloween I)
The comedy is very silly and some of it is funny but then
the movie is also extremely violent. I
don’t think those two elements fit well together here. These drastic tone shifts are gonna wear you
down after a while and they bring into question how seriously you should take
the film.
The sensor light gag is a good idea but the timing of when
the light goes on and off seems to be convenient for whenever Michael needs to
do his thang and doesn’t follow any sort of normal pattern. I know that’s nitpicky but I couldn’t help
but notice.
They did get Michael right which is nice. He looks and moves appropriately, not too
stiff and not too agile. The only moment
that’s out of character is when he dumps a fist full of teeth into a bathroom stall
to intimidate a lady that’s in there.
Michael kills and moves on. He
doesn’t torture or play with his victims.
He may be slow to pounce due to him being mentally deranged and maybe
mulling over how he’s going to dispatch his prey, but he doesn’t do shit to fuck
with them on purpose.
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