What I Liked: Wow
what a fast paced and extremely slimed down story: there are genetically
mutated bats on the loose and it’s up to the best damn bat expert there is
(Dina Meyer (Starship Troopers)) and
the local sheriff (Lou Diamond Phillips (Renegades))
to take ‘em down.
The bat attacks are frantic and plentiful. Interestingly it’s not just the sheer number
of these things that make them a threat but also the fact that any single one
can rip your goddamn throat out in one bite.
Also, a good effort was made to vary the attacks scenes. Sometimes people are stuck in a car, wide
open on the streets, in a mine, in a school, etc. and that kept things
exciting. Even though the movie keeps
throwing yet another bunch of bats at you it never gets old. I found myself getting into it every time.
One thing I didn’t expect to see were animatronic/puppet
bats. I thought these fuckers were gonna
be 100% CGI but they only used that technique for the massive swarms. Otherwise you got honest to goodness tangible
creatures and boy does it look charming/silly.
Look I love this shit but a bat with a frowny face wiggling its head at
you from the dude shaking the thing just off screen is a little hard to take
Unfortunately the attacks are shot mostly in close-ups and
chopped to shit in editing so you can’t make out what’s happening too
well. This style wouldn’t be popular for
another four or five years so you could call this movie a pioneer in that regard
(that was sarcasm by the way). Really
though I can’t fault the filmmakers too much because they had to find a way to
cover up the cheap CGI and puppets that the actors had to pretend to fend off.
This one’s a real easy watch. You don’t have to be batty to like it, but
that might help.
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