What I Didn’t Like: Everything
Overall Impressions: My usual format won’t really
work with this one because it’s a campy low budget B horror movie that falls
under so bad it’s good.
Clint Howard (Backdraft) is a psychotic ice cream man
who kills people and incorporates their remains into his hard pack ice
cream. So to play it safe you should get
a prepackaged item from him. Or don’t
buy anything from this guy in the first place.
Yea, that’s probably the best thing to do.
There’s a lot to love here particularly Howard’s maniacal
performance where he constantly looks surprised and crazed, acts like a little
kid, walks with a hunched over shuffle and speaks in a scruffy voice (he
screamed on his way to the set every day to get his throat raspy). There’s also a scene where he dances by
himself next to his truck in an empty back alley to no music. Oh, and another scene where he plants two
severed heads on sticks and has them talk to each other like he’s playing with
some action figures.
This is director Paul Norman’s (credited as Norman Apstein)
only non-porn feature which is pretty interesting. I mean I can’t tell if he was trying to break
into more mainstream filmmaking and this was a serious effort or if he
intentionally made a goofy as shit horror film.
Either way it’s a fun watch. It
won’t make you think of ice cream men or their trucks the same way again.
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