Always enjoyed this caper movie from ’93. Maybe the best thing is the strong female
lead in Karen McCoy (Kim Basinger (Batman))
who’s fresh out of prison on parole for robbing banks. This super rich prick Jack Schmidt (Terence
Stamp (Bliss)) (you know the type who
has pet tigers, that sorta thing) fucked her over by tipping off the cops. It’s not totally clear but I think she wasn’t
gonna cut him in on the deal and he got pissed.
But hang on ‘cause it gets worse.
Immediately after McCoy gets paroled Schmidt blackmails her into taking
another bank job by kidnapping her son. Man,
what a fucking scumbag.
Now even though McCoy is in a sticky situation she doesn’t
take shit from anybody. Like when
Schmidt sends one of his henchmen to lean on Karen to accept the heist offer
she knees him in the nuts not once, not twice but three goddamn times! She also throws his gun away and calls him an
asshole. In another scene she ends up
punching her ex-husband right in the kisser knocking him on his ass. Shit, this lady is not to be messed with.
All the men in this film hit on McCoy too adding such a
creepy layer. And I do mean all the men, even some random dude on a
train. They grossly compliment her by
saying how she kept her figure while on the inside. The love interest, J.T. (Val Kilmer (Heat)), is the only guy who doesn’t come
off like such a piece of shit. But of
course he can’t resist hitting on her too.
McCoy can’t win wherever she goes, whoever she turns
to. She just wants to be with her little
boy and that’s taken from her as well.
Her ex won’t let her see him and the lawyer’s cold advice is to give up
and start another family. Then the
little guy gets kidnapped and held hostage.
So when McCoy’s forced back into bank robbing it truly becomes her only
option. The filmmakers do a good job
making you feel really bad for her so you’re with her all the way.
The heist itself is fun and the stakes are there due to
proper build up of McCoy and her situation.
They go in at night so no one has to get hurt and it takes them hours
and hours to crack the vault. And the
bit about purposely tripping the alarm over and over so the police don’t even
care anymore is clever.
Russell Mulcahy directs and he’s done some cool work that’s
had varying degrees of success. Highlander and The Shadow are probably his most well known pictures. He also did a lot of music videos before
that. But then there’s 1991’s Ricochet, a weird action thriller which
instead of doing a straight review of I decided to make a laundry list of
strange shit that’s in there. I
cautiously recommend it. Mulcahy seemed
promising but after The Shadow did
only ok he went more into TV.
The Real McCoy
does something special though. Female
leads in heist movies are virtually nonexistent so to actually get one and for
her to be so badass is fucking fantastic.
She makes her own way in the world.
I guess you could say she’s the genuine article. (Go ahead and boo, no regrets)
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