Unfortunately this installment is pretty much exactly the
type of film everyone thought the entire series was for so long. Everything’s dumbed down, not very well
executed and way more frat house-y than the first. I swear every other word is “bro” or “homie”.
The script has some good ideas in it like the boat jump at
the end and the tag team race where the winners get the losers’ cars. There’s a fine foundation with going
undercover (again) to get to the bad guy but it wasn’t fleshed out enough. One of the main issues is the villain isn’t
nearly menacing enough. Maybe it was
just Cole Hauser (Higher Leaning) who
played it too laid back. Or maybe the
character was underwritten. Or both.
All the racing and action sequences are a bit more
outrageous than the first but not much. They
tried to amp shit up with smaller things like a drawbridge jump finale on the
first race or weaving in and out of traffic at high speed. My favorite driving sequence may have been
the tag team race I mentioned earlier. Brian
and Roman know they can’t win straight up so they play kinda dirty to force the
outcome in their favor. I guess that was
On a technical level this is not a very well shot or edited
picture. The driving scenes get a touch
confusing at times and there were other parts that would throw in an awkward
camera angle for no good reason. Also
John Singleton directed which seems real odd to me. He did shit like Boyz n the Hood, Rosewood and Baby
Boy that have explicit messages about society and black culture in particular. So I wouldn’t think he would go for a flashy
illegal street racing movie that’s intended to be mindless popcorn fun. I dunno maybe the material really interested
him, maybe he needed the money. Or both.
The sequel stupidly exaggerates many aspects of the first
film (the number of ogling chick shots, the cartoonish blurring when someone
hits their NOS button, TWO undercover cops) and doesn’t add anything new to the
mix. Ok, they added Roman but that
wasn’t by choice. A lot of the time it
feels cheap and B movie-ish in not the best way. It’s amazing the series survived after that
last sloppy medium shot of Brian and Roman walking towards the camera giggling
like a pair of high teens.
I kinda like the title though. It’s not 2 much if you ask me. And it wasn’t 2 much of this series for folks
‘cause there would be more, a helluva lot more.
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