I’ve only seen eight of Norris’ films but I think it’s
enough to make the call that generally he doesn’t make good ones. They’re not so bad they’re good either. They’re just bad most of the time. He’s not someone who deserved better. He didn’t make a groundbreaking action
picture or was better than the movies he starred in. The man has virtually no charisma. So to bring Norris back and shower him with
praises of unparalleled toughness and awesomeness is unfounded.
But I guess that’s what’s at the heart of the joke, right? That it’s cool to like someone or something that’s
actually kind of uncool? Seems kinda
fucked up to me. You see, the worst part
of this craze isn’t Chuck himself because he’s an innocent bystander in this
mess. I think someone like Dolph
Lundgren could’ve just as easily been plucked out of relative obscurity and
have his onscreen personas blown out of proportion too. Nah, what bothers me is the attitude towards action
as a whole. Whenever someone tells you
they love Chuck Norris because he can put his fist clean through your head
while drinking a beer and grooming his beard or some wacky shit like that there’s
an unspoken part that’s implied. Underneath
the comment they’re saying “Actually, Chuck Norris is kinda stupid and action
movies are silly, aren’t they?” It’s a
slight to the action genre and not a genuine praise.
Now of course I know not everyone feels this way. Some people really do dig Chuck Norris and that’s
fine. But there are a lot of way better
action stars and films out there. Check
out any Seagal film pre-1996 or The
Running Man and hopefully you’ll see what I’m talking about.
And I know I rambled on for a while but this leads me to Lone Wolf McQuade. This is a dumb fuckin’ movie. And even though it’s not what most people
think of when they think action film it has all the clichés and bad shit that
make folks think it’s ironic to like action as opposed to being a sincere fan.
No one is good in this.
Norris is as wooden and uninteresting as ever and David Carradine (Death Race 2000, Kill Bills) isn’t
threatening at all. He looks and sounds
like just some fuckin’ average guy that grins and squints a lot. The fact that he dresses in slacks and argyle
sweaters doesn’t help either.
Carradine's wardrobe isn't really workin' here |
Some of the usual clichés include McQuade being a loner cop,
he gets teamed up with an inexperienced cop, has an old cop friend that’s jolly
and seems to love life, he gets in trouble with his superiors, he heals almost
overnight, gets trapped inside a vehicle with seemingly no way out, he and the
bad guy throw down their guns so they can fight hand to hand, etc. The only cliché they didn’t go for is McQuade
feuding with his ex-wife. Instead they get
along really well.
Some bad stuff includes McQuade rolling around and doing a
quick draw during target practice, at the end McQuade has to decide between a
hostage situation in progress or his family and chooses the hostage crisis, and
the henchmen are really bad shots.
Usually the bad guys hit the things that the good guys are hiding behind
or the surrounding area. There were a
couple of times in this picture when someone is out in the open and there are
shots fired that clearly should’ve been hits but nothing happens. This is like stormtrooper accuracy.
However, I can’t deny it’s sort of an entertaining movie. Things move along at a decent pace and there
are a bunch of ok action sequences. But
the groaning moments are plentiful.
Sometimes in action pictures there are just too many clichés and it becomes
overwhelming. It doesn’t help when the
filmmakers don’t try to do anything clever at all. And that might be the real reason why this
isn’t that great. It’s very by the
numbers and that makes things pretty dull.
It’s the kind of movie that doesn’t think and doesn’t want you to think either. That’s insulting. The thing was made competently but it feels
like they didn’t try that hard. I said
it earlier and I’ll say it again: this is a dumb fuckin’ movie.
This doesn’t mean that I despise Norris’ films or look down
on them, not at all. I just think they’re
subpar action movies. There’s nothing wrong
with that. The thing is I know what I’m
getting with him but a lot of people don’t.
My advice would be to check out the A list stars first. Chuck Norris is the totally wrong thing to kick
off your lifelong journey into action.
He comes later when you’ve run out of better material.
For the Chuck fans out there you guys obviously get more out
of his shit than I do. All I’m sayin’
is, have you seen Hard Boiled?
A little addendum: for me this ranks third in the Norris
ones I’ve seen so far. Missing in Action is a little less dumb
and more fun and Invasion U.S.A. is
so dumb that it’s very fun to watch.
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