Monday, February 27, 2023

Stalked by My Doctor: Patient's Revenge

Sonuvabitch, they open up the film with some yadda yadda bullshit about how Dr. Al Beck was acquitted of all charges from the events of the previous installments.  Turns out the kidnapping, torture, assault, stealing of a corpse, attempted murder, actual murder (I guess no one found the body since it was dissolved in acid), attempted rape, fleeing the scene of a crime, evading the police, it was a misunderstanding.  Who knew?  And forget that he was in prison at the end of the last film.  Whatever, he’s now a college professor in Arizona teaching cardiology.  Meanwhile Sophie from the first movie decides to enact revenge by confronting Beck head on at the school.  She puts up flyers denouncing him as a pervert and getting over a thousand students to sign a petition to have him removed.  Of course Sophie’s not wrong in her accusations because we were all there with her to witness the crimes Beck committed.  But Beck’s boss and one student in particular, Melissa (Anna Marie Dobbins), come to his defense.  Sophie orchestrates a series of attacks while Beck and Melissa’s relationship become more intense.

This sequel is certainly more entertaining than the last one but it’s also way dumber.  Here are a couple of examples.  To show Sophie’s turned dark and ruthless they give her bangs, dark eye shadow, dark lipstick, she sports a black leather jacket, Doc Martens and scowls a helluva lot.  Her car’s black too.  Beck’s been a maniac from the get go but his psychosis gets worse with each film.  In this one he sees and talks to a version of himself, his conscience I think, dressed in Hawaiian shirts sipping tropical cocktails.  Different shirt, different drink each time.  And at one point he fantasizes about doing a full on song and dance routine with Melissa that’s an homage/rip off of La La Land.  Definitely the worst and most jarring section of the whole series to date.

As far as the fun crazy stuff goes they got that too.  Like Beck spikes Sophie’s food with fentanyl so she becomes very sick and he just so happens to be there to save her life in front of the entire school.  Now he can hold it over her that he’s saved her life twice.  What a fuckin’ dirty play!  Melissa devises a plot to murder Sophie and it takes very little convincing to get Beck on board.  I find it amusing that Beck’s weapon of choice is a syringe filled with some sort of toxin (we never find out what).  Whatever situation he walks into he doesn’t consider any other type of defense.

Additionally, Sophie’s grand scheme is comically overly complicated but that’s part and parcel to this type of thriller.  It also becomes painfully obvious about a third of the way through what the twist ending will be but don’t worry I’ll keep it a secret in case you decide to dive into this universe.

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