There’s a category of movies that were well liked at the
time of release but in later years became an easy target of ridicule. Batman Forever, The Rock and Top Gun are
some that did really well at the box office but you wouldn’t dare be seen with
them in public these days. Air Force One belongs in there too. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that
will openly admit to genuinely liking that film (as opposed to the ironic
hipster type way). It’s an odd path for
a film to take so I decided to check out the Force again to see if it really deserves all the scorn.
And unfortunately I have to report back that this One mostly does deserve all the shit
slung at it in the past ten years. I don’t
know what the rest of the world’s reasons are but here’s my takeaway. I’m totally down with the idea of terrorists
hijacking the President’s plane thereby kidnapping the President (Harrison Ford
(American Graffiti, Indiana Jones and theTemple of Doom)), his wife, daughter and most of his cabinet who are all on
board. I’m down with the casting
choices. I’m down with the
cinematography. I especially like how it’s
totally chaotic when the Russian bad guys first grab the guns and try to gain
control of the aircraft. It’s cool that
they have to fight for it and prove their worth to the audience instead of
everything going off without a hitch. There
are a number of good aspects to this picture.
I even think having a woman Vice President (Glenn Close (The Big Chill, Mary Reilly) is a nice
choice, although the way they reveal her in a semi-dramatic fashion meant to
make you clutch your pearls is a stupid indication of the time in which this
was made.
All of that aside, what gets to me is the excessive dick
sucking of the U.S. and the presidency. It’s
truly kinda disturbing how much the filmmakers marvel American resolve,
willingness to overcome and, above all, how strong our leaders are. I mean the President is an all out action
hero here. He’s John fuckin’ McClane
with the sneaking around, tricky maneuvers and brawling. The leader of the free world murders four
people in this movie (and one unconfirmed kill) which is kinda nuts if you
think about it. The filmmakers had a
fantasy that the Prez could go mano a mano with Russian terrorists and fight ‘em
all off almost single handedly, and they made it a reality.
But here’s the thing for me.
This was just one in a slew of Die
Hard rip offs that came out post ‘88.
It isn’t one of the better ones like SuddenDeath or Under Siege, but the
concept is a great one and I appreciate the absurd level they take it to here.
Moreover I’m into the flood of 90’s pictures that used the
American political system as a backdrop for a thriller/action film: Murder at 1600, Patriot Games, Clear and
Present Danger, Enemy of the State, In the Line of Fire, Absolute Power,
etc. Plus there were the dramedies: Dave, The American President, Bulworth, Wag
the Dog, etc. Not that all of these
are good but I like the ideas they present.
And almost every one of them had something in common which was that
America could survive any goddamn premise Hollywood could throw at it. The country and the political system
prevailed to stand above all others.
It’s a fascinating era for this specific type of film
because of how naïve and mindlessly steadfast they all are. After 9/11, the never ending wars in the Middle
East and the rise of the internet where people could dive as deep as they
wanted into any political subject, you don’t see such rosy images of the U.S.
being presented on screen anymore. Hollywood
does what they’ve always done by trying to keep up with the times and giving a
more complicated perspective on political matters. But in the 90’s the good ol’ USA was number
one, always. You could find a murdered
gal in the white house bathroom, the President could suffer a stroke and a
lookalike could do a better job than the real deal, Russia could be trying to
get one up on us for the millionth time but we saw through all of these
scenarios. Hell, the President’s plane
could be stolen in mid-air by some assholes but by the time the dust settles it’s
guaranteed that America will come out on top.
With all of that said I do not recommend this picture. It’s actually pretty entertaining with the
tension kept sky high most of the time (man, I have been on a roll lately with
these very shitty puns) and it hits all the notes you expect from a big summer
popcorn blockbuster. But it’s also
nothing you haven’t seen before nor does it improve upon anything in the
past. It’s a fairly dumb film.
I’d say check out Passenger57 if you’re looking for a Die Hard
knock off that takes place on a plane and/or Executive Decision, which in addition to being Die Hard-esque on a plane also has a strong political angle. It isn’t great but it’s better than Air Force One.
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