These underrated horror movie lists are always popular so I figured
what the hell, I’ll throw in my two cents.
Now I’m not saying the pictures below are the most underrated of all time or anything, just that these are some damn
fine films that deserve a little more recognition.
Hellraiser III:
Hell on Earth
It’s always difficult to recommend something that you don’t really
want to talk about. Just saying “trust
me” isn’t good enough for most people and I totally understand that. But that essentially is what I’m saying. Even though it gets kinda depressing it’s an
effective movie. I think it’s one of the
best horror films of the past bunch of years.
In case you were wondering I don’t say much more here either.
Blood Creek
This is what Sam Neill did after Jurassic Park and what John Carpenter tried to bounce back with
after Memoirs of an Invisible Man
(Neill was in that also). A horror writer’s
book (Jurgen Prochnow (Das Boot))
talks about a town filled with strange and creepy shit. Turns out the town actually exists…along with
all of the other weird horror type stuff.
I really like the idea and I love how the film itself changes from a linear
story into a bizarre psychological trip.
This is probably the most experimental picture Carpenter ever made and
he did a bang up job. Full review here.
Bram Stoker’s
This is the family friendly entry. It ain’t John Hughes but it’s in the same
vein. A high school teen gets turned
into a vampire and has to cope with it.
At first he’s repulsed by the idea but once he gets a taste for pig’s
blood he goes the whole nine yards and loves the lifestyle. Strangely the story is not told from his best
friend’s point of view so the title is more for the cutesy factor. It’s a solid horror comedy picture that I don’t
think anyone really knows about.
Dog Soldiers
Death Becomes Her
Death Becomes Her
is the black sheep in Robert Zemeckis’ ridiculous reign from Back to the Future through Forrest Gump. Two middle aged women (Goldie Hawn and Meryl
Streep) take a magic potion that makes them live forever. They also stop aging but the catch is that their
bodies are susceptible to being damaged.
So when Hawn gets blasted through the mid-section with a shotgun it
leaves a giant hole. She’s totally fine
otherwise, she just now has a hole in her stomach. Bruce Willis turns in one his best
performances too. He’s pathetic and
funny as the plastic surgeon/husband/ex-fiancé caught in the middle. The special effects are remarkable and impressive
for 1992 (remember computers were just seriously starting to get in the game
around this time). I can see why this
didn’t appeal to a lot of people because it’s a pretty morbid dark comedy. This isn’t the kind of thing most families
are gonna go for and adults might think it’s too silly. The message may be a little ham handed at the
end but I think it’s fantastic nonetheless.
Honorable mentions:
Event Horizon- Paul
W.S. Anderson (Mortal Kombat, Resident
Evils) directs this movie about a haunted spaceship. It’s also his best. Full Review.
My Boyfriend’s Back-
Offbeat zombie comedy from 1993.
Hellbound: Hellraiser
II- Nastier than the original from what I can remember. The first’s great though and you should
probably see that before checking out the sequels.
The Hunger- Tony
Scott’s first picture that also best exemplifies his crazy yet engrossing
editing style. Full Review.
Demons- Creatures
attack folks trapped inside a movie theater.
The Addiction- Abel
Ferrara’s (Bad Lieutenant (1992), King of New York) metaphor for drug
addiction with vampires instead of drugs.
Full review.
Bereavement- A slightly
different and refreshing take on a slasher picture, it’s also photographed
beautifully. Full Review.
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