An old rock ‘n roll star gets murdered with an ice pick so the cops interview his girlfriend, Catherine Tramell (Sharon Stone (Casino, The Muse)), to see if she knows anything. Actually when they go to see her she tells them that she was just fucking him and that’s all. One of the cops on the case is Nick Curran (Michael Douglas (Disclosure, A Perfect Murder)) and he’s got a shady past because he accidentally shot some tourists so he’s kept on a short leash. As the case is investigated they discover that Tramell is a writer and in one of her books she wrote about an old rock star getting stabbed to death with an ice pick. She keeps fucking with the cops, especially Nick, and it looks more and more like she did the murder but they don’t have any hard evidence so they can’t bust her. And it goes on like that until the credits roll.
The entire cast in this picture is a big part of what makes this such a great movie. I mean Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone as the leads are pretty perfectly cast but even the other secondary tier and minor characters are good. This was Jeanne Tripplehorn’s (The Firm, Waterworld) first movie and she plays Nick’s old girlfriend/cop psychiatrist. Even though it’s unclear I’m going to call her the only good guy girl in this. She’s sweet but naive because she keeps going out on a limb for Nick while he doesn’t give her much gratitude in return. George Dzundza (The Deer Hunter, Dangerous Minds) is Nick’s partner Gus and, of course, he’s his only friend. This is your typical sidekick cop and has all the traits to match. He’s fat, not as handsome, older, can’t seem to get laid, has much more affection for his partner than his partner has for him, has a nickname for Nick (“hoss”) and is all around kinda goofy. But he’s also wiser, more experienced and can see the danger that his partner is in while his partner can’t or chooses to ignore it. I like this guy though because even though he’s supposed to be the cartoony one he’s not nearly as silly as a lot of other action movie partners. Nick needs Gus because he’s the voice of reason and is loyal to him. He’s the counterweight to Nick’s maverick behavior. So chalk one up for “cop partners that aren’t the dumbest characters in the movie”. And Denis Arndt (S.W.A.T.) as Nick’s Lieutenant is also great. Sure he ends up yelling a lot of his lines at Nick which is standard for a superior officer type role but there’s something about Arndt’s performance that I really like. He seems like a real cop and not some guy pretending to be one. I’m not sure if it’s the way he carries himself or his delivery but it’s interesting that he doesn’t want to pursue Tramell at first because they don’t have anything on her. But when he does want her investigated he reluctantly and subtly shows Nick that he was wrong and lets him back on the case. It’s also interesting that he seems genuinely annoyed that Nick keeps getting in the way of the case. Arndt doesn’t just go into full rage mode at everything Nick does instead he looks pissed as if to say, “c’mon Nick. Get your shit together. I actually really want to solve this and it gets hard when you fuck shit up every once in a while”.
Now for those of you that are Michael Douglas fans then you’ve probably seen this already but if you’re still not a believer then this probably won’t sway you. Don’t get me wrong, he’s damn good in this but I don’t think it’s his best performance. That would go to either Gordon Gekko from Wall Street or William Foster from Falling Down. Two totally different but completely engrossing characters that are both badass and complex. You both love and hate them which makes them plenty interesting and goddamn fun to watch. Nick Curran isn’t as an extreme character as either Gekko or Foster. In fact he’s a fairly simple character. He likes to drink, do drugs, smoke cigarettes and bang chicks. The thing is that he tends to do some of these things while on duty and ends up killing innocent civilians as a side effect. And when you take those things away from him he tends to be on edge. So Nick starts the movie drug, cigarette, alcohol and sex free but soon those things creep back into his life. There’s not much else to him. He had a wife at one point but she killed herself. No other information is given so it’s something that’s easily forgotten. All you need to know is that Nick drinks and smokes because it relaxes him. He does drugs and has sex because they’re fun. The most difficult and crazy fucking murder case that he’s ever taken on happens to come at a time when he’s given up his vices so the whole situation seems way worse than usual. Nick really does want to solve the case and catch the bad guy which is why he goes to such extreme lengths (having sex with the possible killer) to figure shit out. I love him but there isn’t a whole lot there. Michael Douglas still offers a confidence and testosterone level that makes this character very enjoyable to watch. I don’t think just anyone could take on this role and elevate it to a more entertaining level like Douglas can and did.
There’s one other thing that I noticed about Catherine that’s that the people in this movie praise the shit out of her and call her a “devious and diabolical mind” and “brilliant”. It’s like the movie is acknowledging to itself that it’s such a smart fucking film. The how-badass-is-he/she part of a picture is always great but this one was kinda funny because it’s like they’re saying, “she’s so smart you won’t believe your eyes. Just wait for the smartness ‘cause it’s gonna getcha”.
After reading those last couple of paragraphs I don’t want you to lose faith and think that Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone can’t carry this movie ‘cause they can. I think their characters aren’t so interesting on their own but put them together and suddenly it works. Catherine’s constant testing of Nick pushes him and makes for a worthwhile viewing of how their relationship develops. Any normal person would see that Catherine is evil but Nick can’t stay away.
As I stated before the most infamous scene from the entire picture is the leg crossing from the first interrogation scene. First of all what kind of interrogation room looks like that? It’s a huge grey room with these squares all over the walls. It looks more like a bunker a hundred feet below ground than something you would find in a police station. But I love the way it looks. It’s very future-of-the-80’s-ish. If you’re one of those people that have only seen the two second part where Sharon Stone uncrosses her legs then I would strongly suggest that you watch the entire sequence because it’s incredible. It’s definitely one of the best scenes in the entire movie. They made an interrogation without a cop banging some scumbag’s head against a table and without yelling seem unbelievably exciting. And it’s all about the way it was shot. This should be a somewhat boring and shorter scene but with the push-ins and the pans and the quick edits it changes it into a totally different beast. Even if you’re not inclined to watch the whole movie just watch that scene and then tell me you don’t want to know what the fuck is going to happen next. The lie detector part immediately following the first interrogation scene is also done really well with Catherine looking right at Nick through the TV screens like she’s burning his soul out. I love that after it’s all over the cops are totally spent while Catherine looks like she never broke a sweat.
Most people know that Paul Verhoeven (RoboCop, Total Recall) directed this and action fans definitely know him. He’s a fucking great director that makes you feel kinda slimy after watching one of his movies. He’s balls out and this is certainly no exception. According to IMDB Verhoeven wanted to be the first to show an erect penis in a non porn big studio mainstream film. Of course this didn’t happen otherwise that’s what it would be famous for. But he also wanted the dirtiest sex scenes that he could get away with. Initially this was rated NC-17 and it took a bunch of re-edits to get it down to R. That’s not that impressive considering how many films go through the same exact process. But with this one you can see the NC-17 shining in the distance and I think it’s worth mentioning because it does have that kind of feel to it, that you could be watching something harder than an R picture. I also think it’s interesting that NC-17 exists at all but we’ll get into that with some other movies later on this list that retained that rating and didn’t re-cut to R.
This film is intense and quite a task to get through. I don’t mean that it’s hard to watch but there’s so much that you don’t know that you’re gonna feel lost for pretty much the whole thing. It’s like The Big Sleep of sexy thrillers. By the end you have no clue who the real killer is or how people are figuring things out ‘n shit. I still don’t know what the title means. But the ride was so much fun it doesn’t matter that you’re confused about so many things. Nick is an easy character to get a hold of but Catherine keeps making your viewing experience more intense by stirring the pot every once in a while. I was totally exhausted after just skimming the movie over to get some notes for this write up. I was relieved when the credits finally rolled. There aren’t any major subplots or other annoyances that this movie gets hung up on so it’s all meat. It’s the meatiest meat you can get. I really think you should see it. It’s sexy and thrilling to the max.
Sex Scenes: Four. They’re nicely sprinkled throughout too. It starts with one, ends with one and the other two are evenly placed. There are also some extra breasts ‘n asses here and there.
After Sex Scenes: Five and two of them don’t go with the four sex scenes which is kind of interesting.
Strange Cameos: Wayne Knight (Jurassic Park, To Die For) plays a cop and is in the first interrogation scene. He had just started on Seinfeld too.
Daniel von Bargen’s character isn’t in this very much but his name keeps coming up throughout the film. Some might know him as the bad guy, Nix, from Lord of Illusions. Others may recognize him from Seinfeld as George Costanza’s boss. Apparently he was also in Rising Sun and Broken Arrow but I don’t remember him.
Stephen Tobolowsky has a brief part as a consulting psychiatrist to the cops. People will forever know him as Ned from Groundhog Day but he’s been in a ton of other stuff including The Glimmer Man where he plays a bad guy.
Jack McGee also has a small but crucial part as a cop that gives Nick some important information. I recognized him as Roger Moore’s sidekick from The Quest and also as Mickey Ward’s father from The Fighter. When I looked him up I saw that he was in Breakdown which I do remember so I’m listing that too.
Chelcie Ross plays an irritated cop that doesn’t like Nick. You might know him as pitcher Eddie Harris from Major League or as Colonel Oats from Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey.
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