Of course this story is way better if you don’t know
anything so I strongly encourage you to not read up on spoilers and tell people
to back off when they start to babble about it.
But have no fear because this will be a spoiler-free Talkin’. Unfortunately that makes this nigh impossible
to thoroughly dig into. Shit, I guess I
should’ve thought this out beforehand.
So the thrills are bountiful. Sook-Hee and the Count are playing a
dangerous game because if they get found out by the Uncle he’ll hunt them down
and kill them. He’s not the most
understanding guy. On one hand he
appears to keep to himself mostly and may come across somewhat sophisticated
with his lavish manor that includes a library containing thousands of books and
scrolls. However if you look a little
closer all these texts exhibit a certain characteristic but it’s best if you
don’t know just what that is yet.
Anyway, he’s trained Hideko for years on how to read properly so he can
show off his collection to a privileged few and have these rich assholes bid on
the literature. He sees Hideko as a prop,
an instrument to tell his stories more than anything else. See? I
told you he was fucked up.
Also, Sook-Hee was raised on the streets to be a pickpocket
and a thief so she knows how to fuckin’ play people. This is some nice background because it gives
a reason why the Count would recruit Sook-Hee for this operation. So you better believe she uses her skills
throughout the film to her advantage.
But what about the sexy shit? Oh man, they deliver on that too. The Count is all pretend hot for Hideko so
he’s got his hands all over her even though she’s ambivalent about the
situation. Then there’s the Uncle who is
obviously attracted to Hideko and would love to bone her but as far as we know
he’s never acted on his urges. These are
both fine features in the story but there are two elements that make for
interesting developments.
First of all Sook-Hee and the Count are not into each
other. They have a strictly business
relationship which was good to see for a change. Normally they would fall in love with each
other and there would be the classic triangle between Sook-Hee, Hideko and the
Count but thankfully not here. You see
Sook-Hee goes along with the Count’s plan because she’s promised a cut of
Hideko’s fortune when it’s all over. Her
interest is purely monetary.
The second item though is Hideko and Sook-Hee start to have
feelings for each other (ok fine this is sort of a spoiler, but a minor one
compared to all the rest). The lesbian
angle is something you rarely see in movies so this is much appreciated. They give each other looks, mostly Sook-Hee,
and there’s so much damn sexual tension between them you can’t believe they’re
restraining themselves.
So there you…sort of…have it. I can’t recommend this one enough. Like I said before, what I discussed here
isn’t even half the fuckin’ film. It’s
so rare to get a big budget sexy thriller these days and goddamn, this is
actually good too!
You know what? I’m so
moved that I’m gonna bring out the ol’ sex sum up thingy I used to do with
those couple of spotlight runs of erotic thrillers from years ago. Let’s give it a try.
Sex Scenes: Two and a half, and a half. The first half is for a masturbation scene
(with a fucking knife!) and the second half is for a sex scene that starts but
cuts away before going full on.
There’s also an attempted rape scene but I definitely do not
count that shit in any way. That’s
fucking despicable.
After Sex Scenes: Half.
We see the aftermath of a previous night’s session and it ain’t pretty.
Strange Cameos: Everyone in this are Korean actors I’m
unfamiliar with so I got nothin’, sorry.
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