We open with the narrator telling us that in the future the
polar ice caps have melted and we can see for ourselves that Earth has become a
bonafide Waterworld now. The narrator
doesn’t give us any more info than that but at least we know it’s the future of
our own world and not some other planet far far away or some shit.
Then we meet our main character…uhh…water…guy? We never actually learn his name but IMDb
lists him as Mariner so I’ll go with that.
It’s risky (and ok, a little cool) to not give your hero a name. Sure it can work like in the man with no name
series (A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few
Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) but ultimately you want your
lead to have some sort of name, even John or Jack like almost every action hero
from the 80’s and 90’s. Whatever,
Mariner is a loner. He just drifts
around the ocean trading with passing ships and going from one manmade atoll to
another. He doesn’t talk a lot and when
he does he doesn’t mess around. These
are all good points. The beef I have is
he’s too underdeveloped. We don’t even
know if he’s haunted by his past because we don’t know anything about his
background at all. He doesn’t smoke,
drink, gamble, have lots of sex or fall victim to any vice or bad
behavior. Well, he can be rude sometimes
but that’s only when people are rude to him first. Bottom line is he’s uninteresting. Mariner may not think twice about killing a
dude, but aside from that standard action movie character feature there’s no
real edge to the guy. By the end I felt
like I didn’t know him all that well or that I’d want to go on another
adventure with him. He’s just kinda
there. Kevin Costner (Swing Vote) went for stoicism, which I’m
down with, but he forgot to add depth to the character and that’s sort of an important
thing to leave out in my opinion.
But of course the real question is why are people who smoke
cigarettes and ride on jet skis the bad guys?
I have no goddamn clue. There
isn’t really the message of technology=bad here because Mariner uses fancy
mechanical rigs all the fucking time and the bumbling yet loveable mad
scientist character, Gregor (Michael Jeter (Tango
& Cash)), built an electric generator that powers the lights in the
atoll at night. Mariner even rides a jet
ski at the end that helps him on his mission.
Where did they get the gas for the engines anyway? Dennis Hopper (Swing Vote) and his henchmen use a humungous oil tanker (it’s funny
that they had it be the ol’ Exxon Valdez), with a fairly large supply of oil
still left in it, as their base of operations.
But you need to refine that shit.
You can’t just pour crude oil in your gas tank. So either they figured out how to refine it
or they modified the engines to run on something else. I wonder if they came up with similar
technology to what Doc Brown invented in Back
to the Future Part II where the engines run on garbage. That would be very convenient as there’s
apparently tons of it around? I’ll get
back to that thought in a minute.
Another thing that isn’t explained are the guns. Specifically what I’m talking about is the
gunpowder and shell casings. We never
find out where they come from. Did the
smokers make them themselves or did they stumble across a massive cache? Really it’s pretty stupid that guns are in
here at all. I mean we’re in a world
where there is no land (for the most part) so you would think guns would be
out. But no, they stuck ‘em in anyway.
It’s like a seven-year-old’s idea of how this universe
should go. What’s the opposite of
water? Dirt. So that means it’s the most valuable thing in
Waterworld. Paper is another rare
commodity because it’s easily destroyed by water. Also, from the movie’s perspective everyone’s
surrounded by sea water so fresh water is scarce and they can only get some
when it rains or something. All of these
items are just absolutely fucking thoughtless.
Dirt and paper should have very little value to these people as they
can’t really plant anything and if water is everywhere then that wouldn’t make paper
a good record keeping device. And fresh
water shouldn’t be an issue. The citizens
of Waterworld clearly never saw The
Voyage of the Mimi where they show you how to make fresh water from salt
water using only primitive materials.
Everyone should have their own solar still and an ample supply of fresh
water. Although, finding fresh water doesn’t
figure into the plot, like at all. So,
I’m gonna go to bullet points for a while because there are still so many things I want to mention and this will be the most efficient way:
The atoll being so gigantic and fortified is yet
another thing that doesn’t make much sense.
How did something like that get built?
Where did the materials and the tools come from? This is what I was talking about with all the
junk lying around. We don’t see that the
ocean is filled with endless amounts of crap floating on the surface. Instead it’s pristine looking water for miles
in every direction. Not one piece of
scrap metal in sight (so I guess someone didn’t invent that BTTF garbage fueled engine after all).
The movie probably could’ve started with Mariner
at sea for a minute and then arriving at the atoll. Of course we wouldn’t get a demonstration
that this guy is a badass sonuvabitch that will kill (or leave you for dead) if
you cross him. And yes yes, we wouldn’t
see a dude filtering and then drinking his own piss but that could’ve easily
been worked in almost anywhere else.
While the opening scene isn’t totally necessary it’s
still fine in the overall scheme of things. However, the scene where the sun baked nut job
sells Mariner paper and then buys some time with Jeanne Tripplehorn (The Firm, Basic Instinct) is completely unnecessary. It doesn’t further the plot (looking for dry
land and/or fighting smokers) or bring up crucial character development. We already know that Mariner is cool with Jeanne
and Enola because even though he’s threatened to kill them (in so many words)
he still lets them tag along on his boat.
You can totally tell he likes them and that they’re all growing to be
good friends. We also know that Mariner
will kill a motherfucker if need be. He killed
at least one smoker dude back at the atoll and beat the shit out of a bunch of
others. The nut job doesn’t give Mariner
anything that will help him find dry land later either. So this scene is 100% superfluous and should’ve
been cut out.
After Mariner’s boat gets destroyed and Enola is
captured Mariner and Jeanne have sex.
Why? Beats the hell outta me.
Mariner goes after Enola (Tina Majorino (Napoleon Dynamite, Andre)) at the end
because…she’s his friend. That’s
it. He doesn’t have a stake in finding
dry land because he’s adapted to the water with his gills and webbed feet, he
doesn’t say he wants her back so that the atoll survivors can find dry land,
and while he isn’t friendly with the smokers he isn’t hellbent on their destruction
either. He simply wants to rescue his
friend. This was probably too damn saccharine
for most people to take, including myself.
Remember when Mariner holds a burning flare over
a tube on the oil tanker at the end? How
did he know the tube he’s standing next to leads to a pit filled with oil? And even if he did know something was down
there how does he know what oil is or that it’ll burn? Ok so even if he knew about oil and that it
would cause an explosion how did he know he wouldn’t kill himself and Enola in
the process? There are a lot of
assumptions in that scene.
What gas is Gregor’s airship thingy filled with
that makes it fly? And where did he get
it? (By the way it doesn’t look like he
uses hot air so I’m ruling that out)
Almost every smoker vehicle explodes when it
hits something.
Why the fuck are the directions to dry land so
goddamn cryptic? When they finally find
out how to read Enola’s tattoo they realize that the coordinates are the
opposite of what’s really written. Either
you want people to find this small piece of land or you don’t. Make it something simple and spell it out if
you want help. Otherwise don’t put some enigmatic
tattoo on the back of your kid that people may or may not be able to figure
It’s easy to miss but Enola is essentially supposed
to be Moses. They mention that she was
found in a basket (presumably floating around the ocean for a little while), she
has a prophetic message etched on her back and she eventually leads people to
the Promised Land (dry land). This angle
is extremely underplayed though and I wonder if the religious allegories were
originally more prominent.
Why would Enola’s folks send their child off to an
almost certain death? I guess they were
the last humans left on the island and wanted to see if there was anyone else
out there but why not send a different message of some kind? You know, one that doesn’t involve your baby
having to deliver it personally.
Post-apocalyptic flicks are tricky. They tend to be big hits or big bombs. On one hand you have The Hunger Games, Wall-E, Planet of the Apes and The Mad Max series. But then on the other hand you have The Book of Eli, Reign of Fire, Battlefield
Earth and, well, The Postman. It seems that the post-apocalypse isn’t
something that everyone can get on board with.
I think there’s a sharp divide between people that are into the
aftermath of the destruction of the world as we know it and people that just
flat out aren’t.
I don’t want you guys to get confused with films that show
the apocalypse itself. No matter the
form it takes, nuclear war, disease, monkeys, most folks seem to be totally
cool with that. After all that shit
happens though you better soup up a car and pimp it to the hilt with weapons movie
because you’re on your own.
One of the main gripes after watching Waterworld this time is that despite being over two hours long they
sure don’t explain much. There’s too
much just accepting that this is the way things are. They wanted to have their big action set
pieces, which I can totally understand, but they’re gonna go to waste if you
don’t paint a rich enough picture. We
don’t know the backstory to any of the characters except Enola. Hell I don’t even know anyone’s name, again
besides Enola. Ok and maybe Gregor but
that’s it. There’s no real context for
anything. It’s all so flat and
This isn’t to say that the movie doesn’t have its fun
moments. The big fight scene on the oil
tanker at the end is an alright time and the atoll attack scene is probably the
best part of the picture. It’s during
these sequences that you can understand, and maybe even appreciate, why this
thing was made. It’s a spectacle, a big
summer blockbuster with some huge sets, stars and action. Sure we would all like something more
thoughtful and absorbing but at times Waterworld
can be pretty impressive, at least production-wise. Plus I dig the soundtrack, especially that
main theme. It’s a real shame that such
an adventurous and exciting theme got buried under the massive amount of
criticism the rest of the film got.
Ok fine, so I piled on the criticism myself with this rambling review. The concept is cool ‘n’ all but man, they fucked it up. It’s just too simplistic and childish in its approach. The stunt show at Universal Studios Hollywood works better than the movie does. I’d say catch that if you happen to be there.
A little addendum here, apparently there was a ton of footage shot for Waterworld that didn’t make the final cut. Well someone did us a favor and put all that shit together to make The Ulysses Cut. It runs about three hours and includes extended scenes as well as scenes that were cut entirely. The only caveat is that it was pieced together from television broadcasts that aired over the years so it’s censored. But if you’re interested it exists.
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