Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cemetery Man

Cemetery Man is a weird one.  I’m not even sure how to describe it.  Most of the time it’s the straight ahead story of Francesco Dellamorte (Rupert Everett (Inspector Gadget (1999), Shrek 2)) who watches over a cemetery.  When the dead come back to life he and his sidekick, Gnaghi (pronounced nog-ee), kill them.  Since this shit happens almost every day they got used to it and nonchalantly pick off the zombies. 

But then the story will suddenly go off into another direction, like when Dellamorte goes to get his penis removed, or introduce a new element entirely without much follow up, at one point Dellamorte starts to kill living non-zombie people.  I guess my recommendation is that you have to be flexible with this kinda movie. 

It’s part horror flick, part comedy (although apart from the opening scene it takes a while for the funny stuff to start rolling) and part romance film.  This woman that Dellamorte is in love with keeps showing up over and over again as different people.  That may sound confusing but it’s really not.

Michele Soavi directed this.  He also did Stage Fright (aka Deliria) which was a nicely done slasher picture.  He does a solid job here too.  It’s shot fine and all the effects and makeup look good.

So I dunno guys.  I guess I cautiously recommend the Cemetery Man to do your burial.  It’s fun and has some good gags.  Just don’t expect a real serious piece.  If you go with the flow more often than not you’ll be rewarded.

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