Let’s backup a little though. The revolver is a staple of Indy’s repertoire. He goes into a lot of dangerous fucking
situations and he sure ain’t afraid to whip that motherfucker out and start
blasting away. The man has no qualms
about shooting folks dead and Raiders
sets this up thoroughly. Jones reaches
for the pistol first almost every time so it’s his primary way of getting out
of serious trouble. But in my opinion he
uses it too much in the first installment.
He’s a little too trigger happy and that makes him slightly less
cool. Plus, as we know, shootouts are
difficult to make interesting in an action movie. As a general rule hand to hand and melee
weapon fights are more impressive and satisfying.
If you asked the average Indiana Jones fan what
paraphernalia you associate with the character I bet the gun wouldn’t be the
first or even second thing named (It’s probably the whip and the hat). And it’s remarkable how the revolver became
more of an afterthought with the three sequels.
I mean look at Last Crusade, he
barely uses it in that one. And in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I think he
only draws his piece once but never fires.
Spielberg and Lucas must’ve liked Indy gun-less because they essentially
disarmed him after the first outing.
Even though it makes sense for Jones to carry a pistol
considering the places he travels to and the people he deals with, it feels
like they kinda made a mistake having him rely on it so much in Raiders.
That’s why the gun drop at the very start of Temple is so illuminating. The
filmmakers continued to refine the character and are acknowledging that Indy
doesn’t need the fuckin’ thing by literally throwing that aspect out the window. He can handle shit just fine without it.
Incidentally, I wanna revise my ranking of the four Raiders pictures. I had stated in my Temple talkin’ that Last
Crusade was my favorite, then Temple
of Doom and lastly Raiders. Well, in the more than five years since I
wrote that I’ve changed. Hey, that shit
just happens in life. What are you gonna
do? These days Temple of Doom is my favorite, Raiders
is second and Last Crusade it third (Crystal Skull will likely remain at the
bottom of the list if and when more Raiders
get made). How could my original
favorite drop so much? Maybe I’ll go
into it one day, but for now that’s where I am.
And I know I know, I should’ve asked if you gave a shit, right?
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