Now I’m gonna assume that you’ve seen this already because even if you haven’t someone told you all about this fuckin’ thing. Am I right or am I right?
So the traditional horror part is only the last half hour
while the cave and intro parts make up roughly an hour. I remember it being more like 50/50. And because of that this movie caught me off
guard again. Well first of all I think
the spelunking part can work as horror for some people and I’ll admit that I’m
one of them. It’s not the claustrophobia
aspect but the fear of going into a fucking hole in the ground with your only
exit being tiny tubes that just lead to other rooms made of fucking rock and
there’s no way you can call for help or for people to come and get you and it’s
pitch black down there and fuck man. Not
to mention on top of all of this is the possibility of a cave in at any moment. Between the tight spaces, the darkness,
remoteness, danger factor and idea of venturing into the unknown there’s a lot
of creepy shit that this cave exploring premise has built into it.
Then the creature part is your payoff. The spelunking-gone-wrong section goes on for
so long and you get caught up in it that either you forget that there are supposed
to be monsters in this or you begin to wonder what the fuck your friends were
talking about when they told you about these cave crawlers. It’s a risky way to do a horror film but it
works here. I’m glad there wasn’t a rash
of pictures after this came out with the first two thirds about one thing
that’s maybe a little creepy and the last third filled with typical scary movie
shit. That trend would’ve been a fucking
You see I knew how the monsters were revealed and it got me
pretty good the first time. But even
this time around this fuckin’ film got me again. I mean I literally said out loud to no one
“fuck, they got me again” and I had to rewind the movie so I could pay more
attention to the reveal. I can’t believe
Marshall fuckin’ set the trap, lulled me in and caught me sleeping twice. And having the *bam* horror stab happen a
second after the creature appears on the camera is more effective than if they
had the appearance and the stab occur at the same time. Because when the video camera pans over the
first thing you see is one of our characters and when you finally notice the
monster it’s synced to the horror stab.
It’s almost like the stab plays just for you.
I don’t even really need to go on about the creature battle
do I? On a scale, the trapped-in-a-cave
part is probably about a 4 but Jesus the last half hour they crank it up to 11. So much blood, so many brutal deaths, such
ferocity, such brutality and even though it’s short, so satisfying. After all the shit that these women have been
through it feels so good to see them get out their frustrations unmercifully on
these fucking beasts.
Marshall sure has a strange and interesting idea of what a
horror movie can be. Dog Soldiers is straight forward: a group
of soldiers fight werewolves. That’s a little
different than The Descent’s premise:
a group of friends go spelunking, get trapped in a cave, endure hardship while
trying to find a way out, encounter and combat humanoid cave creatures that try
to eat them, no one gets out of the cave.
Man, that must’ve been a hard sell to studios. Well I’m glad Marshall made it and that the
film was successful.
If you haven’t seen this sonuvabitch and you read this piece
anyway I don’t know what the fuck your problem is. Get a hold of a copy and check it out. I wouldn’t go as far to say that this is a
classic but parts of it are excellent. This
one’s difficult to categorize and an anomaly in horror. It’s certainly different and definitely
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