
Friday, January 10, 2020

One Cut of the Dead

Image result for one cut of the deadHere’s the basic setup, a small film crew is shooting a zombie movie at a remote abandoned Japanese WWII location but then suddenly real zombies show up and wreak havoc.  Other weird shit keeps occurring too, you know besides the dead coming back for a meal, so you’re never comfortable.  Eventually these perplexing oddities are explained though.

This is a real brief piece because you shouldn’t know anything going into this movie.  It’ll only work half as well otherwise.  And if you think you’ve figured out the twist there’s a ninety nine percent chance you’re wrong.

Image result for one cut of the deadThe only other bit of info I’ll reveal is it’s done in one take and for real apparently.  Hence the title.
This film is just fantastic and immensely satisfying.  It’s so clever and charming and unique.  And with the approach to the material you don’t necessarily have to be a horror fan to enjoy it either.  The appeal is broader than that.  I really loved it and definitely recommend it.  Sorry, that’s all I can say right now.

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