
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Harefooted Halloween: Exorcist II: The Heretic

Image result for exorcist 2 balconyWhat I Liked: The set design is kinda interesting with a giant balcony made of mirrors, a hospital with windows for walls and an ancient curtain made of cloth strips that come together to show a face painted on it.

What I Didn’t Like: Pretty much everything else.

Overall Impressions: This sequel is notoriously bad and I have to unfortunately confirm that everything you’ve heard is true.  The story doesn’t make much sense, the acting is either stilted (Louise Fletcher (Virtuosity)) or clumsily intense (Richard Burton (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?)) and it’s kinda boring.

Image result for exorcist 2I can see this having value if you liked the first movie a lot because they attempt to fill in some background on the demon that possessed Regan.  Plus it’s a continuation of Regan’s story so you get to see what she’s been up to a couple of years after the exorcism, which has got to be at least a little interesting to big fans.

If I was into the original I would find this a fascinating mess and try to pick apart the things that work and the things that don’t work.  But I’m not and it doesn’t fall into the so-bad-it’s-good category for me so this picture can go to hell.

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