
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Father's Little Dividend

Image result for father's little dividendThe sequel picks up one year later with Kay and Buckley announcing their pregnancy to their families.  Typically Stanley is very upset about it.  He thinks the newlyweds are too young and that they don’t have enough money giving him the idea that he’ll have to pay for all the child’s needs.  Ellie reminds him that the two of them got pregnant as soon as they were wed which is faster than what Kay and Buckley did.  She also convinces Stanley to think of the baby as a dividend: “something comes to you and you don’t even lift a finger.  You have none of the responsibilities of the baby, none of the hardships, all you have to do is love it.”  What an awful fucking way to think about your grandchild.  It’s like financing a business venture and getting some return on your investment, or a piece of entertainment that you can pick up and drop as you please with no emotions attached.  Yea, having a grandchild is just like that.  Go fuck yourself.

Image result for father's little dividendPutting the absolutely terrible title, and explanation for it, aside I may have enjoyed this film slightly more than the original.  It’s still a horrid affair but Stanley actually comes around to loving being a grandfather which was nice to see.  Also, Ellie and the Dunstans meddle so much in what they think is best for Kay and the baby.  Stanley ends up backing off the most making him look very respectful compared to the others.  Although he does wind up losing the baby while taking him out for a stroll (Stanley decides to leave the baby to watch and then coach a kids soccer game!?)  So any redemption he earned for himself is utterly lost by the end of the movie.

They went for more comedy here than the original which I appreciate but I still didn’t find it funny almost at all.  If you didn’t care for the original this won’t help you out.

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