
Monday, May 23, 2016

Father of the Bride Series Wrap Up

In my book the ’91 Fatherof the Bride is kind of a masterpiece.  It’s a beautiful story about parents and their kids growing through this very common yet deeply personal and cherished event.  It’s a perfect setup and the execution is superb.

Image result for father of the bride mirrorImage result for father of the bride mirror

The original 1950 version just blows.  I still can’t get over how goddamn gloomy it is.  What’s even more surprising is that director Charles Shyer said that he and everyone involved in the ’91 version didn’t refer to the original or the book very much because they wanted to make their own film.  This is an insane statement considering how much material the two movies share.  I mean they should’ve been the same fuckin’ movie.  But through only a few tweaks, like having the daughter be more of a strong independent woman and the father eventually relenting in his dickishness, you get an entirely different outcome.

Image result for father's little dividend introImage result for father of the bride 1991

The elimination of a genuinely frightening nightmare sequence from the original was also probably a good idea.

As for the sequels, neither needed to be made.  Fatherof the Bride Part II is the better between the two though.  Story-wise it’s actually worse than the streamlined Dividend but there were one or two times when I laughed and it doesn’t treat its characters nastily like Kay and the baby are sometimes.

Image result for father of the bride part 2

Look I’m not someone who’s really into the idea of marriage or certainly the whole wedding thing but that kinda shit can pull at my heartstrings if it’s done well.  The idea of falling in love and devoting yourself to someone is the truly touching part and really the foundation for these films.  It’s the whole rigmarole that so many people go through to tell the world they’re an item that makes it a bit silly and entertaining.  And that’s why I love the ’91 version at least.  It shows excellently that the process may be a pain in the ass but the experience will most likely create some damn funny and heartwarming memories.  And that a wedding will cost you an arm and a leg but it’ll be worth it, hopefully.

Alright fathers who have daughters that will be brides, you got me. 

Image result for father of the bride book
Image result for father of the bride 1991Image result for father of the bride book

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