
Monday, July 6, 2015

Terminator Genisys

Image result for terminator genisysThis was horrendous.  I mean I knew it was gonna suck but Genisys was worse than I expected.  And I could write a whole long review arguing that every decision made was a terrible one from the abysmally nonsensical casting (including casting someone who looks like she’s twelve years old (Emilia Clarke (Dom Hemmingway)) to play what’s supposed to be the infinitely badass Sarah Conner), to the incredibly asinine (and sorta unfollowable) plot, to the inconsistencies with how durable or fragile the terminators are depending on what the movie needs at any given moment, to the phoned in acting, to the atrocious and completely out of character dialogue, to etc.

But I’m not gonna waste my time or yours.  Fuck this movie.

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