
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Malice is about a couple (Nicole Kidman and Bill Pullman) that befriend a doctor (Alec Baldwin) but he's not who he seems to be.  I thought this was going to be a sexy thriller and it was a little sexy and thrilling but this movie turned out to be totally different than I expected.  All in all, admittedly, this isn't a great film but I got into it and found myself surprisingly invested even half way through.  There was more Bill Pullman than expected or desired but he's fairly harmless.  I just don't think he has much of a personality.  I also get him mixed up with Bull Durham.

This badass monologue is just one of the cool things that Alec Baldwin says in this.  Another is when he asks Bill Pullman if he'd actually, and not metaphorically, give his right arm for a million dollars.  The mood goes from playful to creepy in record time.  Man Alec Baldwin is so good at playing grade A assholes.  

1 comment:

  1. i just watched this the other night. i agree it was not sexy at all, but i thought it was pretty thrilling - mad twists and turns.
