
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Let's Talk About Sex: The Sexy Thrillers Project

Fuckin’ absolutely.  Fuckin’ sexy thrillers man (also called erotic thrillers).  I think you guys know by now that I have a fascination with them and it might be because they’re a strange phenomenon in society.  I mean I don’t know if a lot of people really like them but just the fact that there’s a whole genre of mainstream film based on chicks and dudes getting it on in a soft core porn kinda way that’s not actually soft core porn is interesting.

I have a half thought out theory that they replaced film noir because there’s always some kind of scam or murder or some shit happening in these sexy thrillers.  When noir was phased out in about the sixties or so sexy thrillers came in to fill the gap.  I want to say Blow Up was the first one but that was not very sexy or thrilling.  The mindset of the late sixties allowed for greater penetration (if you will) into the real world when it came to cinema.  Then in the seventies it exploded.  But at the same time there wasn’t a whole lot of nudity.  Only the edgier films dealt with a lot of bare breasts ‘n shit.  The early eighties was where that thing blew up.  Fuck man, any one of those teen sex comedies from that era is every young boy’s dream.  But I mean a bunch of them are damn good films like The Last American Virgin, Fast Times at Ridgemont High and even Weird Science.

What I’m really trying to say is that there was a time when sexy thrillers was a viable genre (the 90’s) and now it doesn’t really exist.  On the surface they seem to serve only men but in these movies the woman is the dominating character.  She’s the one that controls the other characters and for the most part determines where the plot goes.  I wanna say that people got tired of rich white assholes humping each other and then betraying each other but we still have movies like The Twilight saga.  They’re sort of like teenaged sexy thrillers with a dash of horror.

So what I’m gonna do is talk about ten-ish movies of this forgotten era (could be a couple more or less depending on how long I want to keep this project going) and will post them in mostly chronological order (I know which one I'm saving for last and it's gonna fall out of order).  See you on the other side, maestro:

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