
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gone With the Pope and Massacre Mafia Style

Seeing Gone With the Pope was one of the greatest movie experiences of my life thus far. And I'm not exaggerating. I genuinely love everything about this film. Duke Mitchell started shooting it in 1976 when it was called Kiss the Ring but died before completing it.  Years after his death the film canisters were discovered and edited together by Bob Murawski who edited Hard Target, Army of Darkness, the Spider-Man trilogy, The Hurt Locker and others.  In 2009 he finally finished and with Sage Stallone (Sylvester's son) as producer they released it.  Unfortunately it's not out on DVD (I'm crossing my fingers that it will be one day) so you're going to have to see if it's playing at a local theater (  And if it is I can't recommend it enough.  I'm not jerking you around with this one.  It's an unbelievable masterwork.

And to let you guys know Gone With the Pope was Duke Mitchell's follow up to Massacre Mafia Style (also called The Executioner and Like Father, Like Son) which is another great film and was recently released on DVD (

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